- sprains and tears: A sprain is the stretching of the ligaments that support the knee, of which there are 4 major ligaments, the ACL, MCL, LCL and PCL. Each ligament supports the knee in a different direction, helping to create stability during a wide range of motions and activities. A sprain can be catagorized into 3 levels mild, moderate, and severe. Once you go past severe you end up with a complete tear, which may require surgery depending on your activity level, pain level and which one of the ligaments is completely torn.
- meniscus tears: are more common than thought and a lot of people do just fine with non-surgical management of meniscal tears.
- Osteoarthritis is the wearing away and breaking down of the cartilage that is on the surface of the bones that create your knee joint. Typically your knee is stiff and swollen, and any standing and walking aggravates it. In addition of stretching and strengthening exercises, manual therapy to improve mobility of the joint helps to decrease pain.