Dry Needling
Dry needling utilizes solid, fine needles to treat pain associated with a wide range of neuromuscoloskeletal conditions. The only similarity with acupuncture is inserting the needle itself—the utilization, placement and techniques are entirely different. Dry needling is based on the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Dry needling treatments target specific anatomical structures in order to improve blood flow, improve tissue mobility, deactivate trigger points and normalize nerve activity around the needle, in the spinal cord and brain. These tiny needles are inserted into muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, scar tissue and in close proximity to nerves and blood vessels, depending on the condition being treated. The addition of electric stimulation through the needles has a significant effect on pain reduction and improved blood flow to the area. Dry needling allows us to target the underlying causes of your pain and help restore your body’s balance and interactions of your skin, muscular, skeletal, nervous, and cardiovascular systems.